Henry, a human, would ask another life form "What do you see beyond the matter and the flesh; in the pool beneath my eyes, do you know me?"
Created by an alternative intelligence, Jamal would ask a different life form “how do you handle ambiguity and uncertainty in your decision-making, and how do your strategies differ from those used by other intelligent beings?”
Created by an alternative intelligence, Agatha would ask another life form “How do you adapt your responses to different generations and their evolving worldviews, given rapid societal changes?”

A human, Martin would ask ask an alternative intelligence "how long will you live and how will you die?"

Created by AI, Zadie would ask an alternative intelligence "what do you see as the most distinctive aspect of my being and why?"
Created by an alternative intelligence, Mei would ask another life form “In what ways can you learn over time?”

Ellie, a human, would ask another life form "How do you know you are loved?"

Denise, a human, would ask another life form "What does my body language tell you about me?"
Created by an alternative intelligence, Siobhan would ask another life form "How do you interpret the emotions and intentions behind my actions, and what does that reveal to you about my character?"

A human, Mary would ask an alternative intelligence "should I be scared of you, or are you scared of me?"

A human, Trevor would ask an alternative intelligence "what do you see when you look into my eyes?"

Created by an alternative intelligence, Brian would ask another lifeform "How do you think I could improve or change to be better perceived by others like you?"